This tool enables the Staff Admin to add new staff members from the campus directory. The three options for adding a new staff member are the following.
- Using the campus directory
- Manually
- Using the campus login ID - to add applicant users only
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To access this tool, click New Staff Member located in the Staff navigation menu on the left side of the Admin home page. The New Staff Member: Add form is displayed.
The three options for adding a new staff member are the following:
- Using the Campus Search Directory -If your site is integrated with your campus information systems, you can look up the new staff member from your institutions HR Directory. You can search for the names of the staff members you want to add from the Directory Lookup section of the Staff Search page by entering keywords. Once you find the members, add them.
- Manually -You can add new staff member when you want to by entering their names, email addresses, and phone numbers. This is especially helpful when you want to add staff members who are off-campus and need access to the Terra Dotta application or if your site is not integrated with you school's information system (SIS).
- Using the Campus Login ID - You can add a applicant user using the applicant campus login ID.
After the name of the staff member or applicant concerned is found, they are added to the Facilitators Admin group. You can then go to the Staff Permissions tool to grant the required access privileges to these members.
Note: You can grant access privileges to a member only if you have the relevant access permissions.
Adding a New Member: Using the Campus Directory
To search and add staff members using the campus directory, perform the following steps.
- Enter first name, last name, and/or email address of the staff member.
- Click Search. The New Staff Member : Search Results page opens with the records that match your criteria.
- Select the user you want to add by selecting the radio button to the right of their names.
- Click Add User.
- To start the search all over again, click Start Over.
Adding a New Member: Manually
To manually add staff members, perform the following steps.
- Enter the user’s first name, last name, e-mail address, and phone number.
- Click Add User.
Note: Input for all the fields in the Manual Entry section is mandatory. If you do not enter a value into field in the Manual Entry section, the system prompts you to complete the entry before adding the member.
Adding a New Member: Using the Campus Login ID
To add a applicant user, perform the following steps.
- Enter the campus login ID of the applicant in the Login ID field.
- Click Add User.