This article explains the functionality provided by Terra Dotta ISSS for Form DS-7002 T/IPP and J-1 student intern support.
- Summary of Important Details
- Trigger the DS-7002 Tab
- Overview of the DS-7002 Tab
- Post to RTI and the Create EV Action
- J-1 Intern Video
Summary of important details
- The DS-7002 tab is set as viewable by the ISSS Admin. ISSS Admin can configure for Department Admins to gain access.
Intern, Student Intern, or Trainee must be selected as the EV Category (on the DS-2019 tab) for the DS-7002 tab to become available.
- Note: Occupational Category on DS-2019 tab is only listed on Trainee and Intern EV categories. This field is required should one of these two categories be selected.
- The Site of Activity must be entered in the Department tab in order for the Site of Activity section to appear on the DS-7002 tab.
- DS-7002 information can only be transmitted to SEVIS via the Post to RTI Create EV action for the Trainee and Intern categories. The Student Intern category can be transmitted via both batch and Post to RTI.
Batching will scan and verify data included on the DS-7002 for J-1 Student Interns and will return verification errors if data is missing or invalid. Errors will be flagged for easy identification and quick correction prior to batching the form for SEVIS creation. On-screen validations display for the Form DS-7002 tab for every item that is flagged as required. The process to begin the DS-7002 starts the same way any other J-1 record (more detailed descriptions are in the Creating a J-1 Scholar Workflow article):
- Department completes New Sponsorship Request for the scholar.
- ISSS Admin decides to process request as a J-1 scholar.
- ISSS Admin begins working on the DS-2019 tab
- Department Admin and Scholar begin working on the Department and Exchange Visitor tabs.
Trigger the DS-7002 Tab
To trigger the DS-7002 T/IPP information, the Intern, Student Intern, or Trainee category must be selected from the Exchange Visitor Information panel > Exchange Visitor Category field. After the ISSS Admin clicks Update at the bottom of the screen, the DS-7002 tab will appear for the ISSS Admin only.
By default, the DS-7002 tab is only viewable by ISSS Admin. If your business practice incorporates the Department helping to supply your office with T/IPP information, you may enable the Department Admin to see this tab by navigating to Scholar Admin > J-1 Request Settings > Tab Configuration. ISSS Admins will see a simple setting to expose this tab to the department or not. If exposed, the Department Admin will be able to submit information in the DS-7002 tab.
The T/IPP form is divided in the same sections as in SEVIS.
Overview of the DS-7002 Tab
Additional Participant Information
This information comes directly from SEVIS and requires basic information about the scholar's program.
- Current Field of Study/Profession*
- Years of Experience in the field
- Type of Degree or Certificate*
- Date of Award/Expectation*
*Required for the DS-7002 Tab
Site of Activity
Information on the following fields is connected directly to the Sites of Activity as listed on the Department tab.
Note: The Recommended Best Practice is to complete the tabs completely moving from left to right. If no Site of Activity populates on your DS-7002 tab, it is likely because there is no Site of Activity information entered on the Department tab. To resolve, enter the site(s) of activity on the Department tab and click update. Then, navigate to the DS-7002 tab to confirm that all Sites of Activity should have their own T/IPP section. You can now have multiple Sites of Activity for Scholars and are able to post multiple Sites of Activity to RTI Connect.
For additional information on completing the Department tab, see Terra Dotta ISSS: Tour of Departmental Admin View For J-1 Scholar.
Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP) Section
For every Site of Activity listed on the Department tab, a T/IPP section will appear.
Each section must contain the following information:
- Employer ID Number: this is also referred to as a Federal Tax ID Number
- Number of FTE: should refer to the number of FTE positions company-wide (located inside the U.S.)
- Annual Revenue: based on U.S. based branches
- EV hours per week: record of the number of hours the EV will be working
Main Program Supervisor/POC at Host Organization
This section should reflect information specific to the supervisor of the training program at the Site of Activity. Name and Contact information are required. This could be the same person or different person as listed in Phase information below.
Site of Activity Remarks section
Generally, this is the opportunity to provide any additional remarks for SEVIS with regard to the Site of Activity. Additionally, this section gathers information regarding the date of signature of the DS-7002 document for both the A/RO and student intern. The date is required for the DS-7002 tab.
Phase Information
Each Site of Activity must contain at least one Phase. This section gathers information on definite phases of training, or tasks performed with specific objectives.
Each phase must have a:
- Phase Name: A name for this phase of the EV's training/internship. Please note this must be unique to each phase. If the Phase Name is not unique, SEVIS will overwrite the phases.
- Training Field: the field of study related to this training/internship.
- Start Date: the start date in MM/DD/YYYY format for this phase (Phase 1 must begin on or after the DS-2019 start date).
- End Date: The end date in MM/DD/YYYY format for this phase (must be prior to or on the DS-2019 end date).
- Supervisor Name: This could be the same or different listed as the overall supervisor, thus it will not auto-populate
- Supervisor's Title: Supervisor's title is required
- Supervisor's Email Address: Valid email address for the supervisor is required
- Supervisor's Telephone number: Valid telephone number for the supervisor is required
- Date of Signature: MM/DD/YYYY format
Phase Specifics
This section relates to the required information regarding the phase goals. These questions will need to be answered per phase.
In a future release, Terra Dotta ISSS will send this information directly in HTML in an email to the phase supervisor to complete and save. Currently, the Recommended Best Practice is to work with the Department to complete the information, and copying/pasting the email information directly from the supervisor.
Post to RTI and the Create EV Action
After the information on the request have been completed, the ISSS Admin can click the Create EV button located at the top of the page.
This process will immediately take the ISSS Admin to the Create EV Activity. To create the EV, Post to RTI will need to be selected for Intern and Trainee EV categories as batching is not yet supported. Student Intern can be transmitted to SEVIS with the DS-7002 information via Post to RTI or batching. Though the DS-7002 information will not display on the review screen, it will be copied to the clipboard when the Admin clicks it. ISSS Admin will continue to walk through the EV Create Action as per the Creating a J-1 Scholar Workflow; the only difference is that the DS-7002 information will also be available to Post to RTI on the correct screens.