This article provides an overview of the New Sponsorship Request process in Terra Dotta ISSS Scholar.
- Permissions to Initiate a New Sponsorship Request
- Navigating to and Initiating a New Sponsorship Request
- Completing a New Sponsorship Request
- Searching for Existing Sponsorship Requests
- Uploading Documents to Sponsorship Requests
- Sponsorship Request: Department Admin Perspective Video
- Sponsorship Request: ISSS Admin Perspective Video
The Sponsorship Request tab is located on the Scholar dashboard. The sponsorship request is based on the individual, not on the proposed visa status type. Note that the ISSS office makes the final determination on the appropriate visa status designation. Departmental admins may suggest an initial visa status type (J-1, H-1B, O-1, or F-1 OPT/STEM), or choose Don't Know.
Permissions to Initiate a New Sponsorship Request
A New Sponsorship Request may be initiated by a Departmental Admin or an ISSS Admin. The process of creating New Sponsorship Request is identical for both the Departmental Admin and ISSS Admin.
If the Departmental Admin begins the process, they must first be properly configured in the Scholar Admin. To review this process, see Scholar Admin: Add a Group and Scholar Admin: Add a User.
After the ISSS Admin has added the Departmental Admin, they will receive login credentials for the Departmental Portal.
Upon logging in, the Departmental Admin dashboard will display with cards representing each scholar for whom their department has submitted information.
Navigating to and Initiating a New Sponsorship Request
To begin a New Sponsorship Request, you will navigate to the Scholar Admin > Dashboard. Click the New Sponsorship Request button at the top left corner of the screen to open up a New Sponsorship Request.
Completing a New Sponsorship Request
To initiate a new sponsorship request, complete the following fields. The items in bold are required for submission.
Name of Scholar
- Search by Name/Email: Enter a name or email, or a fraction of a name or email, to be taken to an existing record. This does not integrate with the system of record; its purpose is to aid the ISSS admin and help avoid the creation of duplicate users in error.
- Scholar/Employee Email
- Scholar/Employee Family Name
- Given Name
- Middle name
Hiring Information
- Proposed Start Date
- Proposed End Date
- Proposed Visa Type
- Hiring Authority Department
- Hiring Authority Name (supervisor)
- Hiring Authority Title
- Will Scholar/Employee be paid?
- Has the beneficiary ever been a J-1 exchange visitor or J-2 dependent of a J-1 exchange visitor?
- How many hours will Scholar/Employee be engaged in proposed activity?
Other Information
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Country of Birth
- Country of Citizenship
Department Contact Information
- Host Department
- Contact Name
- Phone
- Complete Campus Address
When all fields are complete, click Submit.
Searching for Existing Sponsorship Requests
Sponsorship requests are sorted and displayed on the dashboard based on the last updated date. Most recently updated records will display on top, in descending order.
Uploading Documents to Sponsorship Requests
Upon clicking the New Sponsorship Request button, departmental and ISSS admins may complete information, but it is not possible to upload documents. After the first Submit action, admins can return to the Scholar dashboard, access the New Sponsorship Request again, and they will be able to access the Request Document and History tabs.
If an approval request is set up for the New Sponsorship Request, the data will be locked in read-only mode following its submission. The approval request can be either withdrawn or approved (by either the department or by ISSS), and the data can then be edited, including the upload of documents.
For more information on Approval Workflows, see Scholar Admin: Setting Scholar Approval Workflows.
Sponsorship Request: Department Admin Perspective Video
This video will help department admins complete the sponsorship request to then submit to the ISSS admin for a visa status determination. Instructions also explain how and when a department admin is able to upload documentation for the sponsorship request.
Sponsorship Request: ISSS Admin Perspective Video
This video will assist the ISSS admin in understanding what to review with the Sponsorship Request and how to move the request to the appropriate visa status. Instructions also explain email communication sent out to the department admin and to the scholar, if the ISSS admin allows such access.