This article describes the J-1 Request settings found in the Scholar Admin > Settings menu. This configuration controls what integrations are visible and what party is able to view requests once you have activated them.
- Navigating to the J-1 Request Settings
- TD Connect Configuration
- Program Configuration
- Request Configuration
- Tab Configuration
Navigating to the J-1 Request Settings
Navigate to J-1 Requests from Scholar Admin > Settings. Settings are divided into Site Settings, H-1B Request Settings, O-1 Requests Settings, J-1 Request Settings, and Import Data.
TD Connect Configuration
On the J-1 Request Settings tab, the TD Connect Configuration section describes any integrations plugged in for your program. At this time, English3 is not supported in Terra Dotta ISSS: Scholar.
Program Configuration
The second section in the J-1 Request Settings tab is the Program Configuration. This section will display the Employment Based Objective that is attached to each Scholar Program.
Request Configuration
In the Request Configuration section, the ISSS office is able to determine what party is able to view requests once you have activated them. Note: The Extend Program option is only available to Departments therefore even if there is a check next to Scholar, it will not appear to Scholars.
Important! Simply selecting that party can view a Request Type does not enable the request. If creating a new custom request, the request must first be made in Scholar Admin > Requests, then exposed to the department and/or Scholar as your business process dictates. See Scholar Admin: Enabling and Configuring J-1 Scholar Requests for more details.
Tab Configuration
The last section within the J-1 Request Settings is the Tab Configuration. This will allow whether the DS-7002 tab is visible to Department Admins.
Update your changes each time you make a change by clicking the Update button.