This article outlines the steps to cancel a dependent Initial SEVIS record via the SEVIS batch. The SEVIS record must be in Initial status for SEVIS to permit the successful processing of this update.
- Step 1: Find Add New Dependent Record
- Step 2: Review SEVIS-Required Data
- Step 3: Create SEVIS Update Record
Step 1: Find Add New Dependent Record
- Navigate to Record > Search.
- Enter the name of the dependent whose SEVIS record you need to cancel.
- The dependent's record, Add New Dependent Request (F/M), should display when you search for their name.
Step 2: Review SEVIS-Required Data
- A single questionnaire manages all data related to dependent updates in SEVIS. This questionnaire is titled Dependent Update (F/M) under the Post-decision phase.
- The SEVIS Admin will only use data entered in Question Item 1- Dependent Cancel Reason for the cancel request.
- Reasons are:
- Dependent will not accompany student
- Record Created in Error
- Click Submit
Step 3: Create SEVIS Update Record
When all fields are complete, you will create a SEVIS Update Record. For instructions on how to do this, see Creating a SEVIS Update Record.
Attach the Add New Dependent record to the Dependent: Cancel update action.
You may also wish to see SEVIS Admin: Assigning a SEVIS Update to a Batch.