This article provides an overview of the Omnisearch function, which lets you search the SEVIS Admin for any data or piece of data in the SEVIS Admin.
Configure your Omnisearch
- Navigate to Terra Dotta Admin Home
- Locate SEVIS Admin dropdown menu
- Click Settings
- Scroll to the bottom to see Module Options
Selecting Search Parameters
- Click Choose Parameter under Unique Student ID OmniSearch.
- A popup window will now display.
- Click the dropdown to see all available parameters.
Don't see the parameter you want? Learn more about Managing User Parameters Managing Applicant / User Parameters.
After selecting a parameter from the dropdown menu, click Update. You will not be able to click update until a parameter has been selected. For this example, we will select Major.
- After the page refreshes, a green bar at the top of the page will indicate success. You may now search by First/Last name, SEVIS ID, or any mapped parameter you selected.
Using the Omnisearch
- Click the search bar in top right next to Settings
- Type in the name, SEVIS ID or mapped applicant parameter.
- Click enter to search
- If searching by a complete SEVIS ID number, you will be taken directly to that user’s profile. If searching by name and only one name is returned, you will also be taken directly to that user’s profile.
Select User from List
- When searching by a partial name or ID, you will be taken to a data table landing page. See example: Sebastian
Review the list and select the user. You will now see the added column in the data table that we selected in selecting search parameters. For this example, the data table now displays the major of students.
- If many names return, use the search bar in the top right of the data table to find specific alphanumeric characters in the list.
- When you have identified the appropriate user, click on the linked name to be taken directly to their SEVIS profile.