This articles discusses the most common configuration issues found on Study Abroad sites and how to address them.
Note: Beneath some topics is an internal link for Terra Dotta Support Agents. This link provides our Support Agents with additional back-end steps they could take if the steps provided in this article do not resolve the issue. It is expected that these linked pages will not be accessible to external audiences.
1. The new version of a process element/content item/requirement is not appearing in applications.
2. No requirements/process elements/content items appear for applicants in the post-decision phase.
4. Admin is unable to create an application for a student.
5. Deployment Rules FAQ (Compilation)
6. Applicants are receiving reminders for recommendations that their program does not require.
7. A staff member's name is showing incorrectly in my Terra Dotta site.
8. Unable to switch applicant's program/app cycle
9. A profile isn't updated with the most recent SIS data.
11. Cannot deactivate program/Why do two programs have the same name?
13. Reviewer cannot see apps that are ready for review. This site is using Reviewers Management
14. Query watches have stopped running/working.
16. Applicant cannot see the documents that have been attached to their application.
17. The applicant cannot access their application.
18. The applicant is in the SIS file, but cannot log in.
19. An applicant parameter is not appearing in the user's profile.
20. I am unable to change an applicant's home institution.
Common Issues
1. The new version of a process element/content item/requirement is not appearing in applications.
If the change was made to an app cycle that is using deployment rules, changes to content will not be deployed to existing applications that have the content item already. Updated requirements don't get picked up by the task that updates deployed rules, only updates to programs/rules/app params will deploy the new content.
To trigger this update:
A) Toggle the attached programs inactive and then active again and check the applications in about an hour.
B) Create a completely new content item and add it to the rule.
If the applicant has already saved or completed the requirement, their version of the requirement is locked in- it will remain in the application and they will not get the updated version of the requirement until their responses are erased by the admin or, if the requirement is material, it is marked as unreceived.
2. No requirements/process elements/content items appear for applicants in the post-decision phase:
This typically occurs when the decision date for the program is still in the future. To learn more about decision dates, click here: Study Abroad: Dates and Itineraries>Decision Dates
3. A specific questionnaire/material/assessment/signature document is not appearing in an application.
Determine if the application in question is for an app cycle that is using Deployment Rules or Process maps. If you are not sure how to determine this, see How can I quickly tell if an application is in an app cycle that is using deployment rules?
If Deployment Rules: It can take up to an hour for new requirements to appear in applications, or for requirements that are no longer applicable to fall off of applications. To see your changes immediately, try refreshing the rules. If refreshing the rules does not work, or these content is not newly created, double check your deployment rule configuration:
- Check the starting app cycle, making sure that it is inline with your term order. If the starting app cycle is in the future (following your current app cycle), this is the reason why the rules are not applying to your application.Check your Deployment Rule logic. Make sure that the logic does not conflict with itself, for example, in the screenshot below, the logic cancels itself out, because a single application cannot to be to two programs. AND logic is used between conditions, so generally speaking, the more conditions added, the smaller your target audience. If you want the rule to apply to several programs, make sure to select all programs within a single condition:
Process Maps:
Check that the process element:
- Is applied to the app cycle in question (Check Process > App Cycles)
- Has the correct settings. (Check Process>Questionnaires/Materials/Assessments/Learning Content>Edit pencil next to the Process Element):
4. Admin is unable to create an application for a student:
The admin needs to create an application for a student but the student's name does not appear as an option when the admin navigates to Classic>Applicants>New Application or Admin Console>Application Finder> plus+ icon and searches for their name.
Possible solution:
This typically occurs when the student in question has not been included in the nightly SIS file sent to Terra Dotta by the client's IT department. The admin could create the student's profile as external- but this is rarely ideal as applicants should generally be internal. To confirm the student is not in the SIS file, navigate to Classic Administrative>Maintenance>SIS/HR tests>SIS User Keyword Search. Search for the user by name. If they do not appear, the student is not included in the SIS file. The client's next step should be to check with their IT department to verify the student is included in the SIS file. Once the IT department adds the student to the SIS file the admin should be able to create the application for the student after the nightly refresh process is complete. You can learn more about SIS integration here: Getting Started with the SIS Refresh
*Internal Troubleshooting for Terra Dotta Support Agents: Admin is unable to create an application for a student.
5. Deployment Rules FAQ (Compilation)
1. I created/edit a rule, but the new requirements are not appearing in applications/old requirements are still present.
2. How long will it take for an office to switch to Deployment Rules?
5. What are some best practice steps to take before enabling Deployment Rules for an app cycle?
10. What classic features are not compatible with Deployment Rules?
11. Can you use multiple programs in one deployment rule?
12. Can you transition an app cycle that is using process maps to Deployment rules mid-app cycle?
13. Do Deployment Rules have an impact on an app cycle using process maps?
15. How do I order my site's terms?
16. What best practice should I keep in mind for a naming convention to use with my rules?
18. How can I quickly tell if an application is in an app cycle that is using deployment rules?
19. How to Deploy updated content to pre-existing applications.
6. Applicants are receiving reminders for recommendations that their program does not require:
Students with complete applications are receiving an automated email reminder stating they need to submit recommendations. You currently deploy a recommendation form(s) to all programs and then indicate the number of recommendations required in the program wizard. The applicants in question are applying to programs that require no recommendations, so you are wondering why they are receiving reminders that they have incomplete recommendations.
The internal task that sends reminders is honoring the recommendation forms it sees being deployed, not whether or not the program requires them. This means applicants will receive reminders about recommendation forms, regardless of if the program requires them or not. In this case, the applicant cannot see these forms as they are not required, though the forms are technically deployed to their application.
Regarding recommendations, the deployment rule's deployed content must match what is configured at the program level. It is not advisable to deploy the recommendation forms to every applicant, and then restrict the form's deployment at the program level, as this will lead to unwanted reminders.
To fix this, the recommendation forms should be removed from the general rule, and a new rule specifically for the forms should be created. This new rule should only deploy to programs that require coinciding recommendations.
7. A staff member's name is showing incorrectly in my Terra Dotta site:
You have noticed that a Staff member's name appears incorrectly on your Terra Dotta site. You have contacted your IT department and they have confirmed all looks correct in the HR file.
A possible solution:
As users in your HR file do not refresh nighty like students in your SIS file, you can actually edit the user's name under Maintenance>Edit User and the change will remain long term.
Simply navigate to Maintenance>Edit User>Search User:
Make the necessary changes and save.
8. Unable to switch applicant's program/app cycle:
You are able to change the applicant's program/app cycle under the status tab, but when you revisit the application, the original program/app cycle still shows
You attempt to change the applicant's program to a new program, but that program is not available.
A possible solution:
All of the following must be true for the program to appear in the Change Program dropdown menu:
- the application cycle is active
- the application cycle is for the current year, one year previous, or in the future
- the term must be checked in the Terms tab of the program builder OR selected in Configuration step of Program Wizard
- program type is active
If all of the above are true, check to see if the applicant has any withdrawn applications for the desired program/app cycle.
If they do, the admin will not be able to switch the application to the desired program/app cycle. The admin can choose to reinstate the old application and withdraw the current application or, they can scrub the withdrawn application and then switch the application over to the desired program/app cycle.
9. A profile isn't updated with the most recent SIS data.
This is either 1) the student's SIS Refresh status is INACTIVE, or 2) the information being sent in the SIS data file is incorrect
- There is a difference between what is in the SIS and the same fields in Terra Dotta.
- A user's SIS updated fields are not reflected in the UI
- SIS data is not populating or updating
Only users that are Active and Integrated will have their data updated by SIS refresh.
The most direct way to identify if a user is 'Active' is by going to Admin Console>Application Finder> Search for an open application> SIS Refresh Status:
If the user has any status other than "Active" it is expected that their SIS Data will not update.
If they are marked as N/A, their user is not integrated. Users must be integrated to be included in the SIS refresh.
If their status is Inactive, check that the user meets all of these conditions:
- Any application with a status or status alias of pending, accepted or committed OR an advising application on a site that where the "SIS Refresh for Advising Applications" setting has been enabled.
- The application must have a current Itinerary or an itinerary that ended within the number of months indicated under Settings > System Features > Applicants > SIS Mapped Parameter Data Refresh"
For further details see the following Knowledgebase article: Study Abroad: The SIS Refresh
If the SIS data that Terra Dotta has is incorrect or not updating, and you have checked the above, navigate to Maintenance > SIS/HR Test > SIS Keyword search
This search will look at all SIS data that Terra Dotta currently has. If the data that comes up in the results of this search is wrong or missing then it is either not being sent with the required information or is not being received. A ticket with Support and your IT is the fastest resolution in this case.
Good to Check:
Maintenance > SIS Refresh > Open the recent sync for all users > User Discrepancies > View
This view shows every user that Terra Dotta is trying to update but is not found in your SIS refresh. If your missing user is on this list please talk with your IT about fixing your SIS export.
If some data is updating but not all of it:
Check Maintenance > SIS Refresh > Core Discrepancies > View
If your site is configured to require approval for core profile changes then you will need to review those changes here and approve them before they are applied to the profile
10. A recommender receives a recommendation request, clicks the link to complete the recommendation, and receives a "no recommendation questionnaires exist" error.
Check if any of the following are the case:
- The recommendation questionnaire does not exist
- The program does not require recommendations
- The recommendation questionnaire is not deployed to the program via rules OR process maps
11. Cannot deactivate program/Why do two programs have the same name?
You try to deactivate a program, but receive the following error:
"The program name you specified is already being used"
If you receive this error, check to see if you have several programs with the same name. Possible reasons for duplicate programs include:
- If this is a Directory program, this could've happened because the provider created a new program with the same name, and deactivated the original.
- When downloading the program from the Directory, the admin double-clicked, causing two programs to be created simultaneously..
- An admin imported a duplicate program.
We recommend adding the word "(Duplicate)" to the end of the undesired duplicate's name so that you can easily differentiate between the two. You can then make the duplicate inactive. As the system will recognize it is a different program and has a new name, you will no longer receive the error when you deactivate the program.
12. An admin or student is unable to access applications/requirements (Error: Something went wrong on our end)
This issue will likely require a support case. However, sometimes this can be resolved by navigating to the brochure tab of the program editor in the Admin Console, making a small edit, and saving. If this does not resolve the issue, open a case with Terra Dotta Support.
*Internal Troubleshooting for Terra Dotta Support Agents: Error: Something went wrong on our end
13. Reviewer cannot see apps that are ready for review. This site is using Reviewers Management
Check if any of the following are the case:
- The Application in Review application trigger is incorrectly configured.
- The Reviewer has two accounts, and they are logged into the one that is not set up to have reviewer access.
- The reviewer has an account on the site (can be found in User Management) but is not in a group.
- The applicant was marked ready for review before the reviewer was added to the site, or the application trigger was created. In this case, mark the applicant as not ready for review, and then mark them as "ready for review" again.
- The review request email was forwarded to the reviewer but they have not actually been configured to review the application in lines with the steps outlined here: Study Abroad: Reviewers Management
- The review application trigger was deleted/ the review was deleted from the Reviews tab in the application before the reviewer could log in to complete the review.
- The application in review workflow trigger has a max number of reviews allowed and that max has already been met before this reviewer user logs in to review (e.g. the review request is sent out to the 6 assigned reviewers, but the application trigger is configured so that only 3 are required; once the first 3 reviews are submitted, the remaining assigned reviewers won't have access.
14. Query watches have stopped running/working.
Steps to take to resolve:
- Edit the query watch so that it has a start date of TOMORROW and starts 1 or 2 minutes later than it was scheduled for, then resave.
- Wait until the next scheduled date and verify the query watch has run. If it has not, open a case with Terra Dotta Support reporting this issue.
15. Requirements/content/process elements are appearing in applications that should no longer appear, as I have retired the content and removed it from deployment rules/application cycles.
- If the applicant has already saved or completed the requirement, their version of the requirement is locked in- it will remain in the application and they will not get the updated version of the requirement until their responses are erased by the admin or, if the requirement is material, it is marked as unreceived.
- If the application is for an app cycle that is using deployment rules, try refreshing the rules.
16. Applicant cannot see the documents that have been attached to their application.
The applicant reports they have logged into their application page but cannot see the documents tab.
You may not see the documents tab due to a setting only available in the classic view of documents. Navigate to Classic Administrative Navigation Bar -> Programs -> Search for your Program and click on it's name>Settings Tab:
Because 'Allow applicant attached documents' is set to 'No', this results in Applicants not seeing the Documents tab in their Application View. Once the setting is set to 'Yes' and the appropriate documents have been chosen and added, then the Documents tab will show up properly in the application view.
NOTE: This setting is not available in the program wizard
17. Applicant cannot access their application:
Check that the following are true:
The applicant has only one account, and the account they are logging in with is the one attached to their application.
- To check this, navigate to maintenance>edit user and search for the applicant's name. If they have two accounts, you will need to resolve this.
The application status is not Withdrawn, or a status alias of Withdrawn.
- This can be seen at the top of the admin view of application:
The applicant is not past the deadline for the application
- The deadline can be seen at the top of the admin view of the application:
The waive date is not earlier than the deadline
To check this navigate the Classic Administrative View> Applicants>Search>Open Application>Status tab>Deadline:
To check this navigate the Classic Administrative View> Applicants>Search>Open Application>Status tab>Deadline:
The applicant has only one account, and the account they are logging in with is the one attached to their application.
18. Applicant is in the SIS file, but cannot log in.
You have a student that can't log in completely. Their SSO authentication worked, but they got an error message saying "profile could not be found." They do appear in the SIS data file though.
Applicants cannot fully log in until they have a profile and user ID in Terra Dotta. In this case, it sounds like the applicant logged in before applying to a program. Applying is what creates their user ID and gives them a profile. You will need to ask the applicant to first apply to a program before logging in, or you as the admin can manually create a profile for them under Profiles>New Profile.
INTERNAL: Study Abroad: My applicant is in the SIS, why can't they log in?
19. An applicant parameter is not appearing in the user's profile.
You notice that your applicants for a program within the Advising Program Type (for example), have fewer visible parameters in their profiles than your applicants for other program types. You wish to know why this is happening. Or perhaps you are looking for a parameter in an applicant's profile, but see that it is not available.
- Check Programs > Program Types and then click the edit pencil next to the program type. You will then be able to determine which SIS parameters you wish to appear in the associated applicant's profiles:
- Check Settings>Applicant Params and then click the edit pencil next to the program type. Look for the Applies to profile? Make sure it is set to Yes and applies to the correct applicant type (internal vs external.
20. I am unable to change an applicant's home institution.
You find you are unsure of where to edit the applicant's home institution.
You can add a user's home institution/university by inserting the corresponding information into the following URL formula:
{SITE DOMAIN NAME}/index.cfm?FuseAction=StudentAdmin.StudentExtInstEdit&Application_ID={APPLICATION ID NUMBER}&Tab=Info
Your domain and the applicant's ID can be found by navigating to the applicant's application in the classic administrative view and examining the URL. Below is an example from a test site (outlined in red):