This KB article reviews the process of deleting a request from a student profile. Deleting a request will remove a request and the associated data from the student’s profile. A request can be deleted if the request was wrongly submitted or if multiple requests were submitted.
Delete a Request
To delete a request, navigate to the student’s profile and click into the Request tab. A request in any status in the pending request section can be deleted from the profile except for when a request is in Approved status and assigned to a batch.
Once the request to be deleted is located, you can click on the trash can icon under the actions column.
A modal window will appear stating “Deleting request will remove any associated data. This cannot be reversed.” To continue scrubbing the request, click the delete button.
The request will then be removed from the pending request section of the Request Tab in the student’s profile and from appearing in the Student Request List.
All deleted request actions taken are recorded in the History tab of the student profile under General History with information on who deleted the request, which request, and the date that it was deleted. Once a request has been deleted, there is no visible record of the request or the data associated with it.