This KB article reviews the process of setting up custom fields, editing them and adding them to student profile headers, adding them to stage configurations, previewing from the student perspective, and viewing as an ISSS Admin in the student profile.
- The Field Configuration Page
- Setting Up Custom Fields
- Editing a Custom Field
- Adding Fields to Profile Headers
- Adding to a Stage Configuration
- Custom Fields in the Student's Profile - Student Perspective
- Custom Fields in the Student's Profile - ISSS Admin Perspective
- Using Header Fields as Search Filters in Student List
The Field Configuration Page
Navigate to the Field Configuration page by clicking on the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the page and then going to Configuration > Field and Tag Configuration. The ISSS Admin will then land on a dashboard displaying any existing custom fields.
The fields created will display with information on the field name, if the field displayed in the Student Header, whether it is SIS integrated, and actions like editing or deleting the field. Fields can be rearranged by clicking and holding the two vertical bars to left of the field name.
Setting Up Custom Fields
To create a new field, click on the Plus button located in the bottom right corner of the page.
A new modal window will appear where the ISSS Admin can select the field name and the field type. The options for field types are:
- Single Selection
- Multiple Selection
- Field
- Yes or No
- Date
- Check Box
The ISSS Admin can also designate if the field will be added to the Student Header.
Note: a maximum of 3 fields may be added to Student Headers. If wishing to add a new field to the header when 3 are already present, the ISSS Admin must remove one of the existing fields from the header.
After entering the field name and type, click Add to save the field.
Editing a Custom Field
To edit an existing custom field, click on the Pencil icon located under the Action column to the rightmost side of the page. A new modal window will open displaying the existing information of that field.
After updating the field, click the Save button to save the updates.
Adding Fields to Profile Headers
ISSS Admins have the option to configure up to 3 fields to display in the header of Student Profiles. To add a field to the header, the ISSS Admin will click the edit Pencil icon under the Action column to the right of the desired field.
Once in the Field: Save modal, select Yes for Add to Student Header? Once ready, click Save.
Note: it is not possible to display text field types in Student Headers at this time.
Note: a maximum of 3 fields may be configured to display in the Student Profile header. If 3 fields are already present in the header and an ISSS Admin wishes to add a new field there, the Admin must remove one of the existing fields from the Student Header by editing the field and selecting No for the Add to Student Header? question. Only then will the ISSS Admin be able to configure the new field to display in the Student Header.
Adding to a Stage Configuration
Custom fields can be added to any stage configuration. Navigate to Configuration > Configuration Wizard and then the desired stage that the fields are to be added to. Custom fields can be added to the Personal & Program Tab of the stage configuration.
Once on the Personal & Program Tab, scroll to the bottom of the page to view the Other Information section. All existing custom fields will appear in this section. Like the other sections on the Personal & Program tab, the custom fields can be made editable, read-only, or hidden.
Click Save to save the custom fields settings for the stage configuration.
Custom Fields in the Student's Profile - Student Perspective
Custom fields made read-only or editable to the student by the ISSS Admin will appear like other fields on the Personal & Program tab. Navigating to that tab, the student will scroll to the bottom of the page to access these fields and take any actions if needed.
Custom Fields in the Student's Profile - ISSS Admin Perspective
Navigating to a student profile, the custom fields can be found on the Profile tab. Scrolling to the bottom of the page, the ISSS Admin will see the Other Information section where they can review any information that was collected.
Any fields that have been configured to display in the Student Header will appear in the header at the top of the Student Profile in addition to the Other Information section. ISSS Admins can review as well as edit the responses to these fields via the header. Editing the field data in the header will also edit the data for the same fields in the Other Information section.
Using Header Fields as Search Filters in Student List
ISSS Admins can use any custom fields configured to appear in Student Headers as search filters in the Student List. To filter the Student List by one of these fields, first navigate to the Student List and click the carrot in the right corner of the search bar. Select Custom Field from the list of available filters.
Selecting Custom Field will show a dropdown of the custom fields configured to display in the Student Header. Note that only the max 3 fields the display in the header will appear as filter options. Any other custom fields that do not appear in the Student Header but otherwise are displayed in the Other Information section of the Student Profile are not filter options here.
ISSS Admins can select the field they wish to use as a search filter. After selecting the field, ISSS Admins will then select which response/data from said field they wish to filter for. Once ready, click Search to narrow the Student List down to only those students with a matching response in the designated field.